Diploma thesis card
Editorial requirements for the thesis preparation
Template of the cover page of the diploma thesis
Template of the title page of the diploma thesis
What has to happen before you are allowed to take the diploma thesis exam?
- You have to pass all classes from your study program.
- You have to obtain the number of ECTS points expected for a given field and level of study.
- You have to upload your diploma thesis to the APD system and receive a positive opinion from your supervisor.
- Within the prescribed deadline in USOSweb (student’s section -> e-applications), you must submit an application for admission to the diploma examination.
Students who want to extend the deadline for submitting their thesis are asked to submit an application in USOSweb (student's section > e-applications) Application for extension of the deadline of submission of the diploma thesis by 3 months.
1. Log into the Archive of Diploma Theses (APD) module at https://apd.usos.pw.edu.pl the same way you usually log in to the USOSweb system. Enter all your thesis data: topic in Polish, summary in English and Polish, and keywords in Polish and English. Your supervisor will help with Polish parts if you are an international student. Then, you should approve the declarations of the author of the thesis, add files with the thesis (your diploma thesis in a PDF file), and submit everything for approval by your supervisor.
In the next step, your supervisor checks your work in the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System and prepares an opinion on the diploma thesis and a proposal for its evaluation.
2. Immediately after you receive your supervisor’s positive opinion in APD, you should submit an application for admission to the diploma examination in USOSweb (Student’s section -> My studies -> e-applications -> Submit a new application). Send the completed application. Now, it awaits your supervisor's opinion.
3. You will receive an automated e-mail from the Dean’s Office. The message informing you that your diploma supplement is ready will be sent to your e-mail address in the PW domain (@pw.edu.pl). Is your personal data in the USOSweb system up to date? Is the information in your diploma supplement correct? Check. If everything is correct, confirm it and accept your diploma supplement following the instructions below.
4. After completing all of the above, the Vice-Dean for Studies decides whether you can take your diploma thesis exam. The official date of your exam is set.
PLEASE NOTE: The conditions for being admitted to your diploma examination are as follows: meeting the requirements specified in your study program, submitting your diploma thesis, having your diploma thesis approved by your supervisor, your supervisor accepting the results of the anti-plagiarism report, and you settling all your obligations due to the University.
Were you successfully struck off the register of students, and thus, formally, you are no longer studying at Warsaw University of Technology? If so, you have to bring to the Dean’s Office the following documents before submitting your thesis:
1) an application to resume studies so that you can defend your diploma thesis
2) payment confirmation for pre-diploma consultations (390 PLN for master's studies / 220 PLN for engineering studies); the fee should be paid to your individual account (USOSweb -> Student’s section -> My studies -> settlements -> Bank account number).